Lifestart > Services > Speech Pathology

Speech Pathology

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Does your child need help to:

  • communicate with the people in their life
  • understand what other people are saying
  • participate in literacy activities at home and school like reading, spelling and writing
  • interact and engage with those around them
  • participate in mealtimes especially with drinking, chewing and swallowing

A speech pathologist can help your child to:

  • engage and communicate with important people in their life
  • develop their expressive communication skills
  • develop their receptive communication skills
  • develop language and literacy skills
  • have their unique needs met to be more included in school, preschool, work or in the community
  • access augmentative and alternative communication methods
  • eat and drink safely at mealtimes

Services can be provided at home, school or early childhood centre, Lifestart premises, online or in the community (e.g. park or shops).

To help us match you with the right available support, we need you to answer a few questions by filling out the simple web enquiry below. One of our Customer Experience Specialists will match these answers against current availabilities and be in touch.  

We work with schools

Lifestart speech pathologists are available to work within schools and early childhood settings to assist with participation and inclusion in routines and classroom activities, communication, speech and language, literacy, and mealtimes.

The Lifestart Difference

We not only work directly with your child or young person to build their skills and confidence, we also work with the important people in your child’s life, such as parents, siblings, educators, coaches and extended family, so that you have the knowledge, skills and confidence to support your child and their development everyday.

Meet one of our passionate therapists!

  • Masters degree in Speech Language Pathology from the University of Sydney.
  • Experience providing community and clinic-based supports to children with communication difficulties in areas such as speech, language development, literacy,  functional and multi-modal communication.
  • Passionate about advocating for every child’s right to communicate in any way they can.
  • Focused on working with families to make therapy as functional, strength-based, and fun as possible.
  • Professional interest in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), early language, and neurodiverse affirming approaches to social communication.
  • Outside of work I enjoy spending time with family, swimming in the ocean, singing in a band and drinking too much coffee with friends.

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