Lifestart > Services > Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

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Does your child need help to:

  • do everyday things, for example feed themselves, dress themselves, wash themselves and go to the toilet?
  • take part in activities at home, school or preschool, work or in the community?
  • participate in play and leisure activities?
  • take part in everyday routines, for example getting ready in the morning, traveling to school, or bedtime and sleep routines?
  • access the right equipment to allow them to be more independent?

An occupational therapist can help your child to:

  • develop independence in everyday activities such as feeding, dressing, bathing and toileting
  • develop fine and gross motor skills
  • develop skills in thinking, emotions, sensory processing and social interactions
  • have their unique needs met to be more included in school, preschool, work or in the community
  • participate in play and leisure activities
  • participate in family routines and activities
  • access specialised equipment, including wheelchairs, shower and bath aids, hoists or car seats

Services can be provided at home, school or early childhood centre, Lifestart premises, online or in the community (e.g. park or shops).

To help us match you with the right available support, we need you to answer a few questions by filling out the simple web enquiry below. One of our Customer Experience Specialists will match these answers against current availabilities and be in touch.  

Services for schools

Lifestart occupational therapists are available to work within schools and early childhood settings to assist with participation and inclusion in routines and classroom activities, equipment, sensory processing, play and social interactions, emotional regulation, fine motor skills, seating and positioning, and self-care activities.

The Lifestart Difference

We not only work directly with your child or young person to build their skills and confidence, we also work with the important people in your child’s life, such as parents, siblings, educators, coaches and extended family, so that you have the knowledge, skills and confidence to support your child and their development everyday.

Meet one of our passionate therapists!

  • Master of Occupational Therapy at USYD
  • Professional interest area: play skills,  self-care, fine motor skills and sensory regulation.
  • Dedicated to family centred and strength-based approach, aiming to support the young person and families to achieve the goals they want in a way that they prefer.
  • Personal interest: Bouldering, hotpot/ KBBQ nights with friends, cooking

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